FKIE Message Filters
Improved filters for processing ROS messages
▼Nfkie_message_filters | Primary namespace |
▼Ncombiner_policies | Combiner policies |
CApproximateTime | Approximate time policy |
CExactTime | Exact time policy |
CFifo | First-In-First-Out policy |
CPolicyBase | Base class for combiner policies |
CBuffer | Store and forward data |
CCameraPublisher | Publish consumed data to ROS camera topics |
CCameraSubscriber | Subscribe to ROS camera topics as data provider |
CCombiner | Combine multiple sources into a single one |
CDivider | Split an N-ary source into N unary ones |
CFilter | Typed base class for filters |
CFilterBase | Base class for filters |
CImagePublisher | Publish consumed data to a ROS image topic |
CImageSubscriber | Subscribe to a ROS image topic as data provider |
CIO | Group multiple data types as filter input or output |
CPublisher | Publish consumed data on a ROS topic |
CPublisherBase | Base class for ROS publishers in a filter pipeline |
CSelector | Reorder or reduce an N-ary filter |
CSequencer | Enforce correct temporal order |
CSimpleUserFilter | Simplified filter with user-defined callback function |
CSink | Base class for data consumers |
CSource | Base class for data providers |
CSubscriber | Subscribe to a ROS topic as data provider |
CSubscriberBase | Base class for ROS subscribers in a filter pipeline |
CTfFilter | Wait for TF transformations for incoming messages |
CUserFilter | Generic filter with user-defined callback function |
CUserSource | Manually operated data source |